Sunday, 9 August 2009

279 Battery, 70th Field Regiment at Sedjenane, 1943

Latest addition to the website is a selection of photographs of Sergeant James Shackleton, who was a Sergeant in C Troop, 279 Battery, 70th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery during the Battle of Sedjenane in early March 1943. The photographs include one of all eight sergeants of 279 Battery in 1942. These are courtesy of James Shackleton's son Iain, who has also provided details of his father's war service.

One of James Shackleton's friends in 279 Battery was Sgt John Wise. Remarkably, John Wise was interviewed for the excellent 1995 book War on the Ground by Colin John Bruce (Constable)

I've included a couple of brief quotes from this interview and put these in the context of James Shackleton's war experiences--John Wise was the best man at his wartime wedding, in July 1942. This wedding photo is also in this section.

I've also revamped the opening age of the website devoted to the 70th Field Regiment and have now included left and right larger views of the late war group photo of the Regiment's officers. These items can now all be accessed from this new index page:

and also from the 16 DLI Photographs Index page.